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Functional Rehabilitation

Functional rehabilitation is a lot different than what you are probably thinking “rehab” is. Functional rehab consists of exercises that get your body to move in ways in which it was designed to move. It is used to reinforce proper movement patterns. It is used to improve blood flow into muscles that have been deprived of oxygen, so your body can heal faster. It is used to help negate the harm we do to ourselves on a daily basis, like sitting for countless hours per day driving to work, at the computer, driving home from work, in front of the TV, which set up a upper and lower crossed syndromes. We make functional rehabilitation one of the centerpieces of our treatment approach. Joining with CrossFit the Den, we also enforce proper form and ensure that we have the functional ability (flexibility, motor control) to perform movements properly. We can only see you for so long in a day/week/month that in order for you to really get better, it’s important that you reinforce our treatment with rehab on your own. This will help you get better faster and have to see us less and save money on endless visits.

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