Sport physicals are required for all student athletes participating in school athletic programs. They are performed by licensed medical professionals and serve to ensure the athlete is physically healthy enough to participate in sports. We can provide sport physicals on an individual or a group basis. We also offer a great opportunity to raise funds for your school’s athletic programs!
Individual Sport Physicals: $30
Individual sport physicals are provided in our office. Appointments must be scheduled, as we may not be able to accommodate walk-ins due to a busy practice schedule. We can typically schedule an appointment for the same day or next day.
Students must have their completed paperwork in hand, signed by their parent or guardian. You will need the sport participation form provided by your school, as well as the Oregon Sport Physical paperwork, which you can download here. It is recommended that a parent/guardian accompany the student athlete for the appointment.
Group Sport Physical Fund Raiser: $20 per person
Pro Spine & Sport would love to partner up with your school and give back to your program. Sport physicals are provided on site at your school, and 50% of the proceeds will be donated back to your program. We can work with individual teams or the entire school athletic program.
We can schedule a 2-3 hour block of time to get through as many sport physicals as possible. Students must have their completed paperwork in hand, signed by their parent or guardian. You will need the sport participation form provided by your school, as well as the Oregon Sport Physical paperwork, which you can download here .